
20 de septiembre del 2024
cdg blanco transparente

Sarah’s Life: An Interesting Story Of Fashion Model

Justo fabulas singulis at pri, saepe luptatum mei an. Duo idque solet scribentur eu, natum iudico labore te eos, no utinam tibique nam. Viderer labitur nostrud et per, disputationi mediocritatem necessitatibus ex eam. Verterem qualisque no per. Id oratio veritus antiopam duo, forensibus dissentiunt eam eu.

Chosen from among all others by the Immortal Elders – Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, Mercury – Billy Batson and his mentor travel the highways and byways of the land on a never-ending mission: to right wrongs, to develop understanding, and to seek justice for all! In time of dire need, young Billy has been granted the power by the Immortals to summon awesome forces at the utterance of a single word – SHAZAM – a word which transforms him in a flash into the mightiest of mortal beings, Captain Marvel!

We got a right to pick a little fight, Bonanza! If anyone fights anyone of us he’s gotta fight with me!

We got a right to pick a little fight, Bonanza! If anyone fights anyone of us, he’s gotta fight with me! We’re not a one to saddle up and run, Bonanza! Anyone of us who starts a little fuss knows he can count on me! One for four, four for one, this we guarantee. We got a right to pick a little fight, Bonanza! If anyone fights anyone of us he’s gotta fight with me!

A world never known, with people I’ve never met. People who, tonight, are still only shadows in my mind but who will soon fill the days and nights of my tomorrow.

Hey you guys! We’re gonna turn it on, we’re gonna bring you the power! We’re gonna light the dark of night like the brightest day in a whole new way! We’re gonna turn it on, we’re gonna bring you the power! We’re gonna tell you the truest words that you heard anybody say! Moving out in a new way, moving out in a new way! We’re gonna turn it on, we’re gonna bring you the power! It’s coming down the lines, strong as they can be, through the courtesy of the Electric Company, the Electric Company!

Wally Gator is a swinging alligator in the swamp. He’s the greatest percolator when he really starts to romp

My name is Victoria Winters. My journey is beginning – a journey that I hope will open the doors of life and link my past with my future. A journey that will bring me to a dark place to the edge of the sea high atop Widow’s Hill; and a house called Collinwood. A world never known, with people I’ve never met. People who, tonight, are still only shadows in my mind but who will soon fill the days and nights of my tomorrow…

Roger Ramjet and his Eagles, fighting for our freedom.

Fly through and in outer space, not to join him but to beat him! When Ramjet takes a Proton pill, the crooks begin to worry. They cant escape their awful fate from Protons mighty fury! Come and join us all you kids for lots of fun and laughter, as Roger Ramjet and his men get all the crooks they’re after! Roger Ramjet he’s our man, hero of our nation. For his adventure just be sure and stay tuned to this station!

Wally Gator is a swinging alligator in the swamp. He’s the greatest percolator when he really starts to romp. There has never been a greater operator in the swamp. See ya later, Wally Gator.

Mister Trouble never hangs around when he hears this Mighty sound: «Here I come to save the day!» That means that Mighty Mouse is on his way. Yes sir, when there is a wrong to right Mighty Mouse will join the fight. On the sea or on the land, he gets the situation well in hand!

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before!

I don’t know what it was that bent your life out of shape, but who knows? Maybe I’ve been there too. Maybe I can help. We could work together. I could rehabilitate you. You needn’t be out there on the edge anymore. You needn’t be alone. We don’t have to kill each other. What do you say?

Batman: The Killing Joke

Overture, curtains, lights. This is it, the night of nights. No more rehearsing and nursing a part, we know every part by heart! Overture, curtains, lights. This is it, you’ll hit the heights. And oh, what heights we’ll hit. On with the show this is it. Tonight what heights we’ll hit, on with the show this is it!

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Cañada de Gómez

El domingo habrá feria de emprendedores

Se renueva la invitación para este domingo en plaza San Martín con la feria de emprendedores. Esta vez habrá también elementos hechos con materiales reciclables.


Armstrong: Incendios de campo en simultáneo

En la tarde de este sábado se desataron varios focos ígneos en zona rural. Trabajaron Bomberos de Armstrong y Las Parejas, más un regador municipal y rapidamente pudieron extinguir los incendios.


Una pequeña empresa láctea recibió un falló a su favor y no tendrá que reincorporar a trabajadores despedidos

En total se trata de 29 personas que estaban de paro y que a principios de año había ordenado la justicia que retornen a sus actividades. Ahora hubo una nueva sentencia que beneficia a la firma ubicada en el partido de Carlos Cásares. El reclamo era por mejores condiciones de trabajo por parte del sindicato Atilra que llegó a bloquear el ingreso de la planta

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